viernes, 19 de octubre de 2007

About love

When you love someone, you would make everything look true and believe a lie.
When you love someone, you´d give everything just to see him smile.
When you love someone, you´d sacrifice your life and all you´ve got to give to him.
You would touch the moon, and go to the end of the world.
You would try to reach the stars, and think that you can really fly.
You would walk around in circles, believing you´re going straight.
You´re heart would move mountains, and control the rising sun.
You´re eyes would shine like fire, you´re voice make people cry.
You´re passion would spread all over the world, uniting people.
Death would mean nothing to you, knowing that love lasts forever.
Life would become too lonely, without you´re loved one being near.
The day would run out too quick, and the night would be too long.
Words would not be enough to express your feelings and let them free.
Phrases would seem endless just by looking into his eyes.
Hope would be the power that guides you, and the strength to move on.
Faith would make your deepest dreams come true and let the stars collide.
Your soul would live every day as if it were the last.
Your spirit would feel free and never get itself in chains again.
You´d kiss him as passionate as you´d never done before.
Say things to him you wouldn´t even realize knew.
You would give him everything on earth if you only could.
And give him everything you have inside, knowing it´s worth much more.
By realizing you´re in love, you´d see how beautiful life can be.
And you´d understand that happiness is created deep within your heart.
By getting to know love, your heart would be filled with joy.
And you would irradiate so much energy you never expected having.
When you accept that you´re in love, you get scared at first.
You don´t know how to act and what to say to seem more special than before.
You try to be always better, thinking you´re not enough the way you are.
You would give your best smile, wear the most beautiful clothes.
You would go to the best places, stand in the best light.
And you would make the most expensive presents, without knowing why.
But one day you´ll realize that everything´s much more simple.
You´ll understand that feelings can´t be influenced by the outside.
You´d see that only our heart decides what to feel, even if you don´t agree.
And you´ll know one day, that only love can really set you free.
Once you know you really love someone, you won´t care anymore.
If people disagree or want to separate you, you´ll make your way through.
You´ll be as strong as you propose yourself to be, and stand against any storm.
You won´t fall, not even by the biggest wave and you won´t hide, not once.
Your heart will be you´re shield.
Your soul will be your armour.
Your love will be your weapon.
And once you´ve stopped fighting, once you´ve won, you´ll let yourself fall.
And someone will catch you from behind, not letting you get hurt.
You´ll know, love was worth fighting for.
You´ll know, love is everything.
And you´ll understand, that love is what you are.

1 comentario:

Matías Miguel Roude dijo...

Cuando amas. Te proyectas en el otro, te ves con ella en lugares y momentos que quizás jamás sucedan, pero existen, porque los imaginas y deseas.

El amor, el enamoramiento te pone en medio de un desequilibrio total. De la fuerza más potente a la debilidad crónica. De la entereza a la incertidumbre.

Hasta que sabes, por ver, oir, sentir que el amor, es uno solo. No más tu mitad incierta.

Y entonces. El espíritu se sosiegam sin perder magnitud. El fulgor te abraza, el calor y un aire dulce te llena los pulmones. Eso, es una forma de libertad tambien.